
FU chain conveyor

FU chain conveyor is a kind of horizontal or inclined (≤15°) conveying powder, granular material products, widely used in building materials, construction, chemical, food and other industries.

FU series chain conveyor basic models are: FU150, FU200, FU270, FU350, FU410, FU500, FU600, FU700, a total of 8 specifications, according to different specifications and models, the speed range is 0.18- 0.46 m/s, the maximum throughput of 460 m3/h, the maximum length of 55 meters.

Technical Specifications Model Description Product Structure
Technical Specifications

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Model Description

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Product Structure

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Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
浙江省| 沂源县| 神木县| 阳泉市| 通山县| 甘肃省| 台南市| 新津县| 云浮市| 德阳市| 阿拉善盟| 建水县| 广东省| 睢宁县| 六枝特区| 中江县| 甘洛县| 连山| 禹州市| 观塘区| 清新县| 绥棱县| 鄂温| 红河县| 东方市| 临沧市| 昆山市| 道真| 郸城县| 清水县| 淳安县| 杭锦后旗| 茌平县| 万荣县| 榕江县| 寻甸| 扎赉特旗| 时尚| 昂仁县| 华坪县| 澳门|