
NE low speed plate chain bucket elevator

Tb-ne series plate chain hoist (hereinafter referred to as NE series plate chain hoist) is the company's introduction of similar products developed by advanced technology. Is currently a more advanced and mature vertical lifting equipment, has been widely used to lift a variety of bulk materials, such as: ore, coal, fly ash, cement, cement clinker, grain, fertilizer, etc. This kind of elevator is widely used in all industrial countries. Because of its high efficiency and energy saving, it has become the first choice to replace HL and TH type ring chain hoist.

NE series plate chain hoist has 10 models: NE15, NE30, NE40, NE50, NE100, NE150, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE500.

Technical Specifications Model Description Product Structure
Technical Specifications

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Model Description

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Product Structure



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Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
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