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The company added a new CNC machining center

1. The lifting and conveying equipment is usually pulled by double chain.

2. If the force of the double chain is not uniform, it is easy to cause a chain overload and shorten the service life of a side chain.

3. One of the ways to improve is to require the assembly of two sprocket tooth surface completely synchronous alignment.

4. Conventional gear processing methods have gas cutting molding, there are also ordinary milling machine after processing molding, are difficult to meet the above high requirements.

5. The company in 2009 to purchase the conveyor industry first CNC processing center, processing the sprocket completely in line with the three standards, at the same time, the keyway of chain wheel and shaft made of machining center after assembling the two sprockets in a perfectly synchronized, in use process with ease, even if later need to change the concerns of the sprocket wheel is no size deviation.

6. The company has been the supplier of qualified sprocket chain coupling and other accessories for Conch Cement, Conch Kawasaki, Huaxin Cement and North Heavy Industry for several consecutive years. To meet these business developments, the company recently added a new CNC machining center to cope with the increasing demand.

Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
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