
Company news Industry news
Winning the bid Ningxia Tianyuan manganese industry 2x4500 line lifting transport equipment

The company stood out in the fierce competition, won the bid of Ningxia Tianyuan manganese industry 2X4500 line full set of lifting transport equipment.

1. Kiln and warehouse steel wire tape hoist -- TGD1000x72m, TGD1000x102m.

2. Clinker trough conveyor -- SCD1100X146.721m.

3. High speed plate chain hoist -- NSE1200, NSE1100 and so on 10 sets.

4. Plate chain hoist, chain transport machine -- NE, FU, 20 sets in total.

Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
Zhejiang Jiande Conveying Machinery Equipment Co. LTD Copyright ? 2022 All Rights Reserved Zhejiang ICP No. 07504362 -1
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